tm's report: The Six Fallen Angels ended their destructive activities at Hotel Earth
..... I greet my friends and enemies and sense the tension of the readers who wonder what will be communicated in the article. There will be possible interesting events and changes that are now happening at Hotel Earth, they are inevitably coming. The following article will be very strong "coffee" for each of you...
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Again, at the beginning of the article, I emphasize: "observe the SHOW in contactless mode". We're almost at the end.
This article will need to be split into two articles. First, the article regarding past events and second, the one more interesting for you, about what awaits us in the coming days.
In the beginning, it is necessary to write and realize the words of the indigo girl who warned us and claimed that we live in a computer program. Everyone has to deal with these data themselves.
I will first write what happened in the world during my train ride and what effects it has and will have. Sit back and read between the lines, too.
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Recently, I briefly told you that SATAN, DEVIL, BAPHOMET and many other terms that were used for him, no longer exists. These were the names of the six fallen angels who, after their decision at the round table, switched to the side of light. The light from which THEY HAD PASSED TO THE DARK SIDE for the period of their (necessary) game whose purpose was to originate a new human super-civilization.
After thousands of years of their vain actions, they found that the game was over and they could not win against the light - which is the constructive power of the universe, deliberately and incorrectly called "god".
That's why they ended their activity at Hotel Earth. This happened in the first week of June 2022. They themselves are now trying to fix the horrible things they have done here and they know the best way to intervene in the events which are happening here at Hotel Earth. That's a twist, isn't it? Let me explain.
Just to remind you, I want to point out that the headquarters of the fallen angels was in the VATICAN, better said in an underground city 3 km below the VATICAN. For newcomers, for a better understanding of today's events, I recommend that you watch the film about CARDINAL JUDAS (it has three parts).
Some readers might have read the book "The Truth Between Heaven and Earth", written by the alleged Roman Zeman - the Rose Man - who does not exist and writes about a fallen angel. In one chapter he describes him as a beautiful tall being no one could consider a devil. It was a game for the fallen angels, but it was a highly destructive reality for humanity. The fallen angels tried to lure the blind sheep to the dark side through their resonance. That's why they made so many monstrous decisions and at the end of time, they made many brutal decisions.
Prominent singers who met the devil and signed the deal with him claimed that he is a beautiful being with incredible charm. Read, for example, the statements and evaluation of Satan by the singer Miley Cyrus, who even had sexual intercourse with him, which she could not praise enough. She is not the only one who confirms that there is a game of dark against light with these beautiful "dark" beings. The "dark" beings only took on the role like in a movie and kept their look. I note that it is a very bad movie for humanity. So, this has been just a clarification for those who have no idea yet and haven't read articles on tadesco in the past. This is how the wheat was separated from the chaff.
On the Internet, you could read on various sites about another attempt to open teleportation (interdimensional) channels to other dimensions using the equipment at CERN. Everything was supposed to take place on July 5, 2022. And it did. Even the CERN spokesman himself admitted that an attempt had been made to open the mentioned channels.
On various websites were written horrifying scenarios that could take place. But?????
You know from our website that the equipment at CERN has already been destroyed several times. Other dark entities that participated in the evil and were interested in achieving the process of stealing human souls, repaired this system several times. They wanted to reach this goal. Fortunately for humanity, they failed.
And there were other entities, such as observer-researchers, who were interested in closely monitoring everything and then using the obtained data and experience with human souls. It was only possible to steal human souls through the vaccination and the introduction of a chip into the body. That's for sure.
Stealing the souls of all the human beings in Hotel Earth would be done in a split second. So what actually happened and why did the dark side fail?
Many beings waited impatiently for this moment on the 5th July 2022. Sensitive people felt very destructive low energies and felt sick. On that day the entities at CERN (not only human beings work there) actually managed to open this channel. So they were successful! Subsequently, the entry of dark beings into Hotel Earth and the transfer of a certain type of energy to alienate human souls was to begin.
But no dark beings entered! The synergistic effect necessary to realize the soul transfer did not occur. Shortly after that, two beings of light came to the Earth through an open teleport, which permanently blocked CERN and made its operation impossible for the future.
Do you know who did it? You probably wouldn't guess it. They were two fallen angels who had returned to the light again. They knew the system that allowed them to enter the tunnel and thereby save all of humanity.
I will now digress briefly. Remember the indigo girl and her prophecy about the possibility of using the Joker for politicians? Maybe I'm wrong about these light beings, they certainly don't need the Joker, but they made a quite good gesture. They acted at the last minute.
Let's get back to the topic now. ATTENTION. I didn't mean to say that dark beings and evil are banished here forever. That's not it. Everything will take some time. All the rituals that were done in Hotel Earth by any associations: ILLUMINATI, BLACK MASSES IN THE VATICAN, MASONIC RITUALS and many others, which used child and human sacrifices, no longer have the support of the dark side, nor the FALLEN ANGELS, nor the black deities who operated here for the thousand years of the MATRIX.
Further sacrifices are completely unnecessary and "they" already know it. They are panicking.
The evil that still operates here comes from the inner work of these dark powers, but it no longer comes from the outer work, it does not come from fallen angels. These scum and renegades from humanity who still want evil have no more power and their end and fall is only a matter of time. Without the outside support of the dark forces, they have no chance.
The very next day, on the 6th July 2022, the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES (see VIDEO) were destroyed. On the guidestones were engraved and coded the plans of depopulation of the planet Earth to half a billion people and the introduction of the NWO. It was a symbolic energy monument sending destructive energy to all parts of the world to help politicians push the NWO. According to certain reports, the destruction of the guidestones was also the work of these two light beings.
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Again, I emphasize that not only humanity, but all interested parties follow 5 tracks (or time lines) and always choose the one that is the most advantageous for them. They are very manoeuvrable and controllable today, and the advantage is due to this on both sides. Thanks to these time-space lines, many things can be changed without people noticing, absorbed in their daily worries.
After the withdrawal of the fallen angels, we still have several lines, both constructive and destructive, that must be taken into account.
First line: This is the political line, dependent on the financial level.
Second line: DEEP STATE supporting evil on all levels and determining the pace of events so far. Although its power has been waning considerably in recent weeks.
Third line: The line of the Global Predictor, who has also lost control of many things and has no influence over them.
Fourth line: Against the three levels mentioned above stand the so-called WH - White Hats and Q.
Fifth line: All events for the constructive side are controlled by two big men.
Sixth line: The most important line is the level of intuition and thinking (as you know from my lectures and articles, a thought has more power than any atomic bomb). It is necessary to constantly be aware and think constructively. This level is represented by good people - conscious warriors in the Matrix - and their minds.
Levels 4, 5 and 5-5 oppose the first three in an open combat.
At this point I must emphasize that nothing happens by chance in politics and many things are prepared in advance. Many. They showed you everything in SCI-FI movies. They weren't really SCI-FI movies, they were reality, but who would have believed that at the time these movies were being shown...
Let's remember 911 (9/11) - twin crash, Covid, Pandemic, stock market crash, extraterrestrial civilizations, teleportation devices, children in tunnels and cages, and much more... They put it all right in front of our eyes, because it can't be hidden anyway, but still people didn't believe it.
Don't forget that there are 25% real people here and the rest are bio-robots!
Today, it is easily possible to detect biorobots with a little intuition and empathy. But I'll tell you about that another time.
At the end of today's article, I would like to emphasize that many extraterrestrial entities stay here in Hotel Earth (they do not interfere in what is happening). The entities observe all events precisely because here they have a direct connection to real people, and in real people there is a part of the "constructive power of the universe" - the HOT SPOT in the heart. The possibility to witness these events can't be found anywhere else in the universe. That is why there has been so much interest in Hotel Earth recently.
These were the most important events concerning all of us.
In the next article, we will talk about politics and what is probably waiting for us.....
.....with Love and a smile tm....